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Pediatric Osteopathy

Children are little bubbles of Silence

Bimbi gemelli

The journey through our Mother's pelvis is characterized by truly incredible compressions and passages. Each compression is expected to activate our functions and to shape our skull in an optimal way. Nothing in nature is left to chance. If the birth takes place naturally, the entire path is a fantastic odyssey made up of hugs, hugs, slips, kisses and caresses.

A. Jodorowsky


The newborn can be prone to osteopathic dysfunctions.

They can be common consequences of childbirth but can also be acquired during intrauterine life; in fact, it happens to observe restrictions on children born by means of caesarean section.

The biodynamic osteopathic intervention on the newborn is very gentle, does not present any risks and is aimed above all at the entirety of the child. Through osteopathic treatment it enhances the natural thrust of growth and development of the newborn and allows immediately to find its natural balance.


We blindly think that the newborn feels nothing during birth. Actually ... he hears everything !!! Everything, totally, completely, absolutely and with a sensitivity that we cannot even remotely imagine.



Treatment of the newborn should be carried out as soon as possible. In the first 2/3 months after birth, the self-regulation and self-correction mechanisms are extremely powerful and even a newborn born from traumatic birth or with severe cranial deformations can rapidly improve and accelerate the recovery of its normal functions.

Despite this we could say that even if we are not in this time range ....

Better late than never!!!

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