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Osteopathy in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the invisible force that is hidden in life.

Pregnancy Photoshoot_edited.png

Relax your pelvic muscles. Let go, surrender. Follow the tide, don't fight it because it's bigger than you.


Osteopathic lesions and functional problems can make pregnancy difficult, compromise the correct dynamics of childbirth and leave consequences after childbirth.

For this reason, Osteopathy is absolutely indicated for the purpose of both arriving at birth in optimal conditions and eliminating any functional problems acquired during childbirth.

  • First Quarter:

    Mom can be treated immediately after conception. We know the first 3 months are very important in the sense that every now and then you can go into a miscarriage for a thousand reasons. There are also those who do it serially and with the treatment many times it is possible to regularize. Better to do it before, in unsuspecting times but not because there are contraindications but just because you work more peacefully.

  • Second Quarter:  

    In this phase the belly also begins to grow visibly and there are other problems, very often on the back, the beginnings of sciatic, postural changes as well as all the various digestive needs and through biodynamic osteopathy can be treated well and successfully.

  • Third Quarter:  

    The whole speech of position and presentation of the child is important because the child already begins to have its own dimension, theoretically it should already be positioned upside down. Through biodynamic osteopathy it is possible to favor the correct positioning of the newborn in cases where it is not perfectly positioned in the absence of any type of medical problem. Furthermore, in the last times of gestation the osteopathic treatment favors the opening of the birth canal in such a way as to have a birth as natural as possible.

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